Mitos em NY

Uma nova exposição no AMNH.
E texto antigo da relação fósseis e mitos.
Ou vice-versa.
Para maiores detalhes o excelente livro de Adrienne MayorThe First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times (Princeton University Press 2000)”

Discussão - 2 comentários

  1. Adrienne Mayor disse:

    Adrienne Mayor's "First Fossil Hunters" is available inSpanish translation:Adrienne Mayor, "El Secreto de las Anforas"

  2. Hello Adrienne!Thanks for visiting my blog and for giving me the pleasure of commenting it!Also thank you for the information on the Spanish version - here in Portugal (and I think too in Brazil) we don't have a Portuguese translation.Luis Azevedo Rodrigues

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