BPN Korsakoff
Dias Loureiro e companhia deveriam ler o artigo abaixo transcrito.
Não que a neurologia seja escape para os tempos conturbados do BPN mas porque o director do Expresso o acusou de ter mentido à Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito.
Dias Loureiro não mentiu.
Apenas a realidade que narrou foi a que ele visceralmente viveu.
Ou julga ter vivido.
Dias Loureiro e companhia sofrem de Síndrome de Korsakoff.
O dinheiro foi substituiu o álcool .
Os efeitos inebriantes são semelhantes: amnésia efabulante.
“In a study (…) published by Elsevier in the May 2009 issue of Cortex, researchers found that a patient with severe amnesia reported detailed false memories in answering this type of question («Do you remember what you did on March 13, 1985»).
People with normal memories are unable to answer this type of question because it is beyond their memory capacity. This is the first reported case of a pathological condition that the authors of the article named «Confabulatory Hyperamnesia».
Patient LM (…) is a 68-year-old man, who, following more than 30 years of heavy drinking, developed Korsakoff’s syndrome, a condition characterized by severe amnesia and confabulation, the unintentional production of false memories by amnesic patients who are unaware of their memory deficits.
Patients who confabulate produce more or less plausible false memories answering questions like «What did you do yesterday?» or «How did you spend your last vacation?», but, just like people with normal memory, they answer “I don’t know” to questions like «Do you remember what you did on March 13, 1985».”
P.S. – Podcast que, entre assunto, descreve o Síndrome de Korsakoff
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