Ainda Sobre Cientistas Éticos

Falling Apart at Street Anatomy

Achei com algum atraso, um post e um artigo da Science sobre ética científica. O post é do excelente Spoonful of Medicine, cujo feed já se encontra ao lado. O artigo refere-se a um juramento que os novos pós-graduandos da Universidade de Toronto devem se submeter para, digamos, evitar certas “coisas” que estão acontecendo na Ciência Médica mundial. Segue o juramento na íntegra e o artigo no link da Science (para assinantes).
“I, [NAME], have entered the serious pursuit of new knowledge as a member of the community of graduate students at the University of Toronto.

“I declare the following:

“Pride: I solemnly declare my pride in belonging to the international community of research scholars.

“Integrity: I promise never to allow financial gain, competitiveness, or ambition cloud my judgment in the conduct of ethical research and scholarship.

“Pursuit: I will pursue knowledge and create knowledge for the greater good, but never to the detriment of colleagues, supervisors, research subjects or the international community of scholars of which I am now a member.

“By pronouncing this Graduate Student Oath, I affirm my commitment to professional conduct and to abide by the principles of ethical conduct and research policies as set out by the University of Toronto.”

Por que criar um juramento para novos cientistas? Os autores respondem:

“The realities of the nuclear age, more frequent acts of bioterrorism, and biotechnological advances such as cloning and stem cells have fueled a call for a similar oath tailored to biomedical scientists that would encourage awareness and discussion of the social and moral responsibilities of students in the life sciences (14). At the Institute of Medical Science (IMS), Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, as elsewhere, there is rising recognition of the potential for academic misconduct, in part due to the computer and Internet age, in which there is free access to and exchange of information derived from anonymous sources. Another factor is the increasingly competitive nature and “pressure cooker” milieu of scientific training programs due to the pace of scientific progress. Finally, there is the perception that current students take plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts, and scientific fraud less gravely than did previous generations of scientists. Clearly, the time is ripe to consider improved strategies for instilling basic values about acceptable and expected behavior (5, 6).”

É isso aí…

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