Sexo e Progresso
Cézanne – Afternoon in Naples with a Black Servant – 1875-1877
O último post me deixou um pouco encafifado e, procurando em meus alfarrábios virtuais, achei um ensaio de Zygmunt Bauman de 10 anos atrás sobre o uso pós-moderno do sexo. Segue um parágrafo do começo:
“Sex, eroticism and love are linked yet separate. They can hardly exist without each other, and yet their existence is spent in the ongoing war of independence. The boundaries between them are hotly contested – alternatively, but often simultaneously, the sites of defensive battles and of invasions. Sometimes the logic of war demands that the cross-border dependencies are denied or suppressed; sometimes the invading armies cross the boundary in force with the intention of overpowering and colonizing the territory. Torn between such contradictory impulses, the three areas are notorious for the unclarity of their frontiers and the three discourses that serve (or perhaps produce) them are known to be confused and inhospitable to pedantry and precision.”
Dos três campos em guerra, para usar a metáfora baumaniana, o sexo é o menos humano, o que menos progrediu com a espécie e o que tem laços mais tênues com a cultura. Para aqueles que acreditam na história do sexo, rebate dizendo que temos na verdade uma história da manipulação cultural do sexo.
E eu que pensava que a tecnologia do corpo pudesse ser vista como um “progresso” sexual…
Discussão - 2 comentários
Caro Karl, parabéns pelo novo espaço! E então o amor é um produto cultural e, o sexo, animal/visceral?
Obrigado, caríssimo Aleph. Fico feliz que tenha gostado. Quanto a sua pergunta, não sei responder. Vejamos o que Bauman diz (no resumo):
Of sex, eroticism and love, the first is natural and limited in its forms, while the other two are cultural products infinite in their expressions and applications. The history of eroticism is, essentially, a history of changing border conflicts and shifting alliances between the three members of the triad. The postmodern novelty is emancipation of eroticism from both sexual reproduction and love - and setting it free to perform a variety of new tasks. A crucial one among these is the renegotiation of social relations inside the family and in public space, as well as new forms of identity building.
Benvindo ao Novo Ecce Medicus.