A Vingança dos NERDS

In press na revista Intelligence:
Intelligence and semen quality are positively correlated

Authors: Rosalind Ardena, Linda S. Gottfredsonb, Geoffrey Millerc and Arand Pierced
Social, Genetic, Developmental & Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, London SE5 8AF, United Kingdom
School of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 USA
Psychology Department, Logan Hall 160, University of New Mexico, MSC03 2220 Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA
Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of New Mexico, MSCO8 4640, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA
Human cognitive abilities inter-correlate to form a positive matrix, from which a large first factor, called ‘Spearman’s g’ or general intelligence, can be extracted. General intelligence itself is correlated with many important health outcomes including cardio-vascular function and longevity. However, the important evolutionary question of whether intelligence is a fitness-related trait has not been tested directly, let alone answered. If the correlations among cognitive abilities are part of a larger matrix of positive associations among fitness-related traits, then intelligence ought to correlate with seemingly unrelated traits that affect fitness—such as semen quality. We found significant positive correlations between intelligence and 3 key indices of semen quality: log sperm concentration (r = .15, p = .002), log sperm count (r = .19, p < .001), and sperm motility (r = .14, p = .002) in a large sample of US Army Veterans. None was mediated by age, body mass index, days of sexual abstinence, service in Vietnam, or use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or hard drugs. These results suggest that a phenotype-wide fitness factor may contribute to the association between intelligence and health. Clarifying whether a fitness factor exists is important theoretically for understanding the genomic architecture of fitness-related traits, and practically for understanding patterns of human physical and psychological health.

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Discussão - 5 comentários

  1. Karl disse:

    Resolvi mudar o nome do post. Assim, achei que ficou mais legal!

  2. Sandra disse:

    Oi. Sigo seu blog e talvez você achasse interessante que certos fatores ambientais, como os interferentes endócrinos (pesticidas e outras substâncias), podem efetivamente causar não somente a perda da qualidade (morfologica e funcional) do semem, como também ter papel no comportamento e funções cognitivas (por ação tireoidea). A correlação não é devida a capacidade intelectiva do sujeito, ou seja, não é porque ele é inteligente que seu esperma é de melhor qualidade, mas sim representa a manifestação em diferentes aparelhos de uma mesma síndrome (baixa qualidade do semen, diminuição na capacidade intelectiva). De qualquer forma, é importante recordar que estas relações nem sempre estão presentes em concomitância.

  3. Karl disse:

    Muito obrigado pelo comentário, Sandra. Concordo com seus pontos e tenho sido crítico sobre esse tipo de ciência associativa, mas se você olhar essa revista, 1/3 dos artigos são do mesmo nível desse. Veja o próximo post.
    Bem-vinda ao Ecce Medicus.

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