Doctors Talk: Ceasefire
Gaza’s Children at PMRS site
Two humanitarian organizations deserve mention for occasion of the attacks that occur in Gaza. The Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) is the largest non-governmental healthcare agency in Palestine. PMRS “carries out a variety of programs from organizing village health committees to offering community-based first aid training to establishing mobile clinics. PMRS is a leading advocate for national health care delivery”.
The second, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel “was founded in 1988 with the goal of struggling for human rights, in particular the right tho health, in Israel and the Occupied Territories. Human dignity, wellness of mind and body and the right to health are at the core of the world view of the organization and direct instruct our activities and efforts on both the individual and general level”.
Together, they publish alerts about population conditions at occupied territories. The last yesterday at Palestine Monitor and PHR-Israel site. The dramatic alert is the following:
“The most recent escalation of the Israeli attack against the Gaza population has led to further chaos and destruction and to rising numbers of casualties. The Palestinian Medical Relief Society and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel call for urgent and immediate intervention by the international community, and especially the Quartet, for the enforcement of an immediate ceasefire.
In addition to total closure of all crossings and destruction of essential infrastructures including electricity, running water, communications and roads, hospitals are on the verge of collapse due to overload and the inability to provide adequate intensive care to the high numbers of casualties. External evacuation of the sick and wounded is completely prohibited. Due to telephone and mobile communication failures, dangerous conditions, and the limited number of foreign press on the ground, there are growing difficulties reporting the situation to the outside world. The Palestinian Medical Relief Society and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel call for urgent and immediate intervention by the international community, and especially the Quartet, for the enforcement of an immediate ceasefire.”
Doctors sit together at the same table, talk about their problems, seek for solutions to suffering people at this dramatic situation. That this example could be followed by politicians and leaderships of both sides of the conflict in order people stop suffer and die.
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Discussão - 1 comentário
Eu não gosto muito de comentar sobre o conflito entre muçulmanos e israelitas porque — a meu ver — não se pode dar "razão" a um partido ou outro.
A parte que eu não tolero no estágio atual é que a nação "Israel" se transformou em um “Estado Terrorista” (quem tiver dúvidas, consulte a Convenção de Genebra e a definição de “Crimes contra a Humanidade” adotada pelo Tribunal de Nuremberg). Logo quem!... 🙁
O que não quer dizer que eu concorde com o terrorismo do Hamas e semelhantes. Nem com a “intransigência de fachada” de diversos estados muçulmanos...
Enfim... “Quem pariu Mateus que o embale”... A ONU resolveu criar Israel (meio como “compensação” por ter permitido o Holocausto...) e tem a obrigação de administrar os problemas criados. Nem que seja intervindo manu militari e desarmando na marra todos (mas TODOS MESMO!).