Liberdade, criatividade e música Parte 1. (V.6, N.2, 2020)

A mente humana tenta sempre entender a realidade através daquilo que conhece, exprimindo modelos da realidade através da ciência e os expressar através das artes, como é o caso da música. Nada mais conhecido para nós do que aquilo que construímos. Um simples artefato, como uma flauta divje (mencionada anteriormente), feita de osso de urso, […]

Institutions, Philosophy, Freedom and Society (part II)(V.4, N.10, 2018)

Hume’s formulation of the problem of society refers us to his theory of human understanding and the passions by means of two concepts: sympathy and institutions. I hope it is not too wrong to state that these two concepts (institutions and sympathy, and possibly many others) correspond to the problem of society in Hume’s philosophy. […]

Institutions and philosophy, freedom and society (part I) (V.4, N.10, 2018)

What does it mean to talk about institutions; democratic institutions; philosophy and freedom for a democratic society? In a way, it is about the studying and teaching of philosophy we ourselves are practicing, in relation to bringing and carrying on democracy. I wonder how many ways are there to explore this theme, and how many […]