It’s a Dark, Dark Matter

Uma canção muito legal sobre a Matéria Escura. É só ativar o player abaixo.

Dark Matter, por Jonny Berliner

When you look up in the sky at night you’re seeing a mystery
The physicists are in a twist ’bout the forming of the galaxies
It’s a very heavy issue, it’s an issue of gravity
It’s a dark, dark matter

There needs to be a substance that we’re just not detecting
But it’s hard to find material that just ain’t reflecting
But maybe it’s our theories just need some correcting
It’s a dark, dark matter

So what does it feel like and how does it smell?
If you had some in a bucket, well how would you tell?
Can you sit on it, or sculpt it, or eat it as well?
It’s a dark, dark matter

We haven’t got a clue what this stuff consists of
It’s not made from any particle that there is a list of
And now it’s really pissing all the cosmologists off
It’s a dark, dark matter

So what does it feel like and how does it smell?
If you had some in a bucket, well how would you tell?
Can you sit on it, or sculpt it, or eat it as well?
It’s a dark, dark matter

We’ve found that finding evidence is fairly demanding
It’s stretched us to the limits of our understanding
And then it opened up a can of worms
About why the Universe is still expanding
It’s a dark, dark matter

Via Bad Astronomy (Via Null Hypothesis)

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