Midiotices: Demônios Alienígenas incendeiam Vila Italiana
Ontem foi publicada no Inovação Tecnológica a seguinte matéria:
Cientistas afirmam que “forças não naturais” causaram fogo espontâneo
CORDIS Express
Planos das autoridades de uma vila da Sicília, na Itália, de acabar com rumores de forças sobrenaturais atuando na região, foram por terra, quando uma equipe internacional de cientistas foi incapaz de oferecer uma conclusão mais racional. A notícia foi veiculada pelo principal órgão oficial de pesquisas da Europa.
Chamas espontâneas
A vila de Canneto di Caronia chamou a atenção do mundo há três anos atrás, quando seus moradores relataram que objetos domésticos de uso diário ardiam em chamas espontaneamente.
Especialistas de várias áreas, incluindo engenheiros eletricistas, especialistas militares e outros cientistas, foram convidados para investigar o fenômeno. Sua existência foi confirmada quando um cientista relatou ter visto um cabo elétrico não conectado à rede pegar fogo.
Uma por uma, várias teorias foram sendo riscadas da lista, incluindo incêndio criminoso, picos de tensão e até “obra do demônio”, como sugerido pelo exorcista chefe do vaticano, Padre Gabriele Amorth.
Com a intenção de colocar um fim à teoria preferida dos moradores, de forças sobrenaturais, o Governo Italiano criou uma equipe oficial de cientistas, incluindo um da NASA, para dar outra olhada nas bizarras labaredas.
Não causadas pelo homem
O relatório final da pesquisa, publicado pelo Departamento de Proteção Civil, atesta que as estranhas chamas foram causadas por “emissões eletromagnéticas de alta potência que não foram causadas pelo homem e alcançaram uma potência entre 12 e 15 gigawatts.”
O coordenador do relatório, Francesco Mantegna Venerando explicou: “Nós não estamos dizendo que homenzinhos verdes de Marte começaram o fogo, mas que forças não naturais capazes de criar uma enorme quantidade de energia eletromagnética foram as responsáveis.” Ah… bom, assim fica melhor.
Para aqueles de vocês que não gostam da teoria dos alienígenas, o Sr. Venerando lançou outra hipótese: “Nós estamos também estudando uma outra [possibilidade] que envolve o teste de armas super-secretas por um poder desconhecido e que é capaz de produzir essa enorme quantidade de energia.”
Interessante não? Eu diria mais, eu diria muito ESTRANHO!
A fonte indicada pelo Inovação é o Cordis Express que nos apresenta:
Plans by the authorities in a Sicilian village to put to bed rumours of supernatural forces at work backfired recently, when a team of international scientists was unable to offer a more rational conclusion…
The village of Canneto di Caronia came to the world’s attention three years ago when residents reported that everyday household objects were bursting spontaneously into flames.
Experts from several fields, including electrical engineers, military experts and other scientists, were invited to investigate the phenomenon. Its existence was confirmed when one scientist reported seeing an unplugged electrical cable catch fire.
One by one, various theories were crossed off the list, including arson, power surges and ‘Satan’s work’, helpfully suggested by the Vatican’s chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth.
Wanting to put an end to the residents’ preferred theory of supernatural forces, the Italian Government commissioned a team of scientists, including one from NASA, to take another look at the bizarre blazes.
The resulting report by the Civil Protection Department states that the freak fires were caused by ‘high-power electromagnetic emissions which were not manmade and reached a power of between 12 and 15 gigawatts’. Report coordinator Francesco Mantegna Venerando explained: ‘We are not saying little green men from Mars started the fires, but that unnatural forces capable of creating a large amount of electromagnetic energy were responsible.’ That’s okay then.
For those of you struggling with the alien theory, Mr Venerando put forward another theory: ‘We are also looking at another [possibility] which involves the testing of top-secret weapons by an unknown power which is also capable of producing an enormous amount of energy.’
Essa notícia do Cordis foi publicada dia 2 de Novembro e não apresenta qualquer fonte, o que aumenta a estranheza.
O que é tão estranho?
Simples: Ela apresenta inúmeras caracteristicas de uma notícia falsa. Ou vocês não notaram a citação a um “técnico” misterioso e sem nome da NASA? Quem foi o cientista que notou o aparelho pegando fogo sem estar conectado à tomada? Por que não há outras fontes para a notícia?
Elementar meu caro Watson. Mas antes leia a seguinte notícia do WorldNetDaily, um famoso site de notícias de validade duvidosa:
A leaked Italian government report concludes “aliens testing secret weapons” are responsible for a series of strange, spontaneous fires that erupted from appliances and other home furnishings all over the village of Canneto di Caronia three years ago.
The community on Sicily’s northern coast was the center of international attention in 2004 when residents reported ordinary household items – electrical appliances, wedding presents and furniture – mysteriously began catching fire.
“We cannot risk a tragedy through these fires,” mayor Pedro Spinnato told the Scotsman in January of that year, “so I have no other option but to evacuate the village. We have had electrical engineers in to examine cables and wires but they can find no explanation. It is not just electrical items, furniture is also catching fire for no reason. Already people are blaming the events on evil spirits and I am being asked to get the local priest to perform an exorcism.”
In fact, as WND previously reported, a Catholic exorcist was consulted about the phenomenon. Gabriele Amorth, told the Italian newspaper Il Messagero, “I’ve seen things like this before.
“Demons occupy a house and appear in electrical goods,” he said. “… Let’s not forget that Satan and his followers have immense powers.”
In cases of demon behavior, the Vatican expert said, “it is normal for domestic appliances to be involved and for demons [to] make their presence known via electricity.”
The fires continued through the spring, and the country’s electric company finally cut all power to the village while scientists tried to determine the cause.
Experts from around the world – scientists, electrical engineers and military experts – came to investigate the phenomenon. One amazed scientist, the Scotsman reported, claimed to have seen an unplugged electrical cable burst into flames.
WND reported the bizarre blazes appeared to cease after the village replaced and grounded its wiring, though investigators could not explain why.
Some villagers remained unconvinced the respite meant the fires would cease.
“It is not certain that the fires are finished forever,” Tullio Martella, the head of Sicily’s Civil Protection Agency told the New York Times. “They were episodic to begin with.”
Nino Pezzino, who was among the first to experience the “hellfire” when his television set suddenly burst into flames told the Times: “I’m Catholic. I believe in the devil. I don’t know why the devil is here. Maybe the problem we’re dealing with is technology, but it’s not Earth-bound technology.”
Now, a report of the $2 million investigation by the Civil Protection Department, ordered by the Italian government and prepared by a team of experts including a NASA scientist, seems to back up Pezzino’s laymen opinion that other-worldly forces are to blame.
Leaked copies say the bizarre fires were “caused by high-power electromagnetic emissions which were not man-made and reached a power of between 12 and 15 gigawatts.”
The report also references a possible UFO landing close to Caronia where “burned imprints which have not been explained were found in a field.”
The space-alien explanation is a departure from both the demonic and natural ones proposed earlier.
One natural hypothesis that had been considered was electrical energy related to volcanic activity beneath the land’s crust being released near the village. Supercharged ions, it was speculated, might then spark the fires once meeting up with electronic devices in the homes.
“The cause of the fires seems to have been static electric charges,” Tullio Martella, the head of Sicily’s Civil Protection Agency told the New York Times in 2004. “What we don’t understand is why there were these static electric charges.”
Now, investigators are saying the electric charges originated from “unnatural forces.”
“We are not saying little green men from Mars started the fires, but that unnatural forces capable of creating a large amount of electromagnetic energy were responsible,” Francesco Mantegna Venerando, Sicily’s Civil Protection chief who co-ordinated the report, said yesterday. “This is just one possibility. We are also looking at another one which involves the testing of top-secret weapons by an unknown power which are also capable of producing an enormous amount of energy.”
“This is not the final report. We are still working on our conclusions and this has been leaked,” he said.
Não é que ela é extremamente semelhante às outras? De quando é a notícia? 27 de Outubro. E essa matéria possui ainda mais daquelas “pistas” de falsidade como o fato do relatório ter “vazado” e a ausência de outras fontes. Ou seja: o Cordis publicou uma notícia falsa (consciente ou inconscientemente) criada pelo WorldNetDaily e o Inovação caiu feito um patinho.
Mas o que há de real nessa notícia?
A cidade de Caneto di Caronia realmente existe e aparentemente teve problemas com incêndios “inexplicáveis” em eletrodomésticos em 2004. Entrentanto, como no caso acima as fontes são bastante duvidosas quanto aos reais acontecimentos. E aparentemente tudo acabou ainda em 2004.
Enfim, tudo muito emocionante mas, como muita coisa na internet, totalmente falso. Os Jornalistas precisam estar muito atentos ao que lêem e publicam não acham?
Poxa, Inovação, nessa “notícia” nem o Terra caiu! Tome mais cuidado!
Por falar no Terra: Alguém ainda lembra da “Nuvem do Caos”?
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