ISMEE's diary. Tuesday, October the 26th. 4th day.


The day started with our first international guest, Dra. Joanna Wilson from McMaster University, Canada. She did a post-doc in whales’ P450 in John Stegeman’s laboratory in Woods Hole at the same time that I was there for an oysters’ P53 specialization. Joanna was the first one to accept our invitation, even though she would have to pay for all her travel costs and she also prepared an exclusive lesson for the course, following all the directives that we proposed. And it was an incredible lesson, with diverse situations involving marine mammals where the students had to analyze what types of samples could be taken, which biomarkers could be analyzed and which conclusions could be drawn. After coffee, Dr. Flávio Fernandes, coordinator of the national Navy’s ballast water monitoring program, gave an overview of the main problems with invasive species in Brazil and throughout the world. Huge problems unbelievably unfamiliar to marine biologists. We spent the afternoon on the beach. Yes, on the beach. Scientific conferences follow a weird logic: they are organized in beautiful places, but with such a tight schedule, that one can never get to enjoy the place. I didn’t want people to loose not even one lecture to go the beach, so I decided to include the beach in the program. We made a trip to the Cabo Frio Island, where the Brazilian Navy developed in the 80’s a project to raise marine organisms using upwelling water. The night lesson was canceled because we were all so tired.)

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